Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Forget Me Not and Bluebell song

 A few months ago, my dear darling music teacher from school, Ms. Nellita, made a Facebook post asking her ex-students to post names of songs that we all learnt at school. We had truly fun filled, beautiful songs taught to us, some made by our teachers - Ms. Nellita and Sir Joey themselves. I knew every song that my schoolmates posted, I sang to myself and smiled like a schoolgirl again, all those musical memories coming to me.

But one song, which many of them seemed to know, I didn't know. Someone posted a video of it that they found on youtube. It was of a mother and child singing together, just sitting comfortably and singing sweetly, no background music. It was a beautiful song with a moral, just right for little kids, just perfect for my 6 year old daughter. But for want of perfection when I taught her, I looked for another version of the song. I was expecting a professionally done video, with a background score and all, but I found nothing at all! It was unbelievable! No one else knows this beautiful song? What if this mother daughter duo in the video got some words wrong? After sulking for a while, I decided to make do with whatever material I had - lyrics, tune, a tiny 2.5 octave keyboard and my little girl who was already humming.

It didn't take her long to learn the song. But I wasn't able to play the song on keys to rhythm. it needed a background score, a karaoke. I went through my contact list and pinged all my musician friends. Not a single one of them knew the song. Asking them to make time and create a background wasn't fair. So, I taught myself to play the song. A very amateur background was created and we left it at that. Only when a school singing competition was announced did I go back searchung for the background recording I had done, so she would have SOME basic namesake karaoke to sing to. We only had 3 days time to submit a video and so I had no time to beautify my keyboard playing. 

The final product, I uploaded on YouTube. Here's the link.


 I hope someday, some musician makes a proper karaoke for this song. 

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